If you have the Staffing Version (Multiple Sites feature) enabled on your account, you can easily add a new site any time you need one. If you don't have the Staffing Version and would like to get it, just email us.

How to Add a New Site

NOTE: The Site Management feature is available only to users at the Admin permission level or above. 

1) From your applicant tracking system (ATS) dashboard, go to the Menu Icon on the upper right of your screen and select Site Management from the Main Menu.

2) On the Site Management page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Add New Site button


3) Fill in the company name, Intro Text, and upload a logo file (if applicable) and then click on the Save Changes button.

Just a heads up: the number of total applicants only includes those who have applied to active jobs. So, if you currently have no active jobs under a site, the total applicants for that site will show as zero.

4) Your new site will automatically be created and assigned its own site URL. It will also appear in the Sites list on the same page. 

Click here for more Staffing Version resources.