How to Find your Careers Page URL

Your jobs will be visible on an ATS-Hosted Careers Page, which you can share with people when they are interested in hearing about what openings are available. To locate the URL for your account, please navigate to your Dashboard (the home button on the upper right will get you there no matter where you are in the ATS) and you will notice a link at the top right of the page that reads: View Careers Page. Clicking this link will open your ATS-Hosted Career Page in a new tab. 

You can also locate your URL information in Account Details if you have the proper permission levels to access that section of the ATS. 

From your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) dashboard, go to the Menu Icon on the upper right of your screen and select Account Details from the Main Menu.                                    

Then select URLs:

On that page, you can use the top fiield to add in your Company's website address so that when people visit your Careers Page, clicking on your logo will take them to your Company Webpage. Below that you will see an example of your ATS-Hosted Career Page address. 

You cannot update your URL in this location. 
If you need to change the URL for your
ATS-Hosted Careers Page you will need to reach out to the Support Team for assistance. See below for more information.

Additionally, you can locate your URL on the Look & Feel Page. 

This is the area of the ATS where you would upload a logo and change your Careers Page colors to match your Company branding. 

You cannot update your URL in this location. 
If you need to change the URL for your
ATS-Hosted Careers Page you will need to reach out to the Support Team for assistance. See below for more information.

How to Change your Careers Page URL

If you need to update your URL, please use the Support Menu on the top right of your ATS screen to select Submit Support Ticket.

In your support ticket, please provide the current URL for your account and how you would like it to appear. You can only adjust the part of the URL at the start. 

In our example above of: 

You can only adjust: ats-demo-jt

Things to know before changing your URL: 

  • URL change requests must come from the Account Owner or Admin Level User
  • URLs must be all lowercase and cannot contain any special characters or spaces. 
  • Spaces can be translated into dashes.
  • We recommend waiting for any paid job postings to expire. When the URL for the site changes, so will the individual Job URLs which will affect any online job listings currently posted to job boards. 
  • Please also note that any bookmarks saved with the current URL will need to be updated after the URL change.
  • Your requested URL may not be available, in which case we will reach out to you with some alternatives.

Example of a URL change request:

Please change ABC Consulting URL


TO: effective immediately.