Ready to embark on a thrilling journey transferring your Form Builder Templates? Buckle up, because we're about to take your Form Builder Templates on an exciting ride to a new account!

Step 1: Job Creation 

First things first, let's give those templates a cozy home in a job:

  1. Create a new job or edit an existing one (dealer's choice!)
  2. Click "Start Customizing Form" button
  3. Add questions manually or pick a template (go wild!)

  4. Hit "Finished" and bask in your creation

Step 2: The Great Migration

Here's where things get a bit tricky. You can't just snap your fingers and make those forms appear in another account (wouldn't that be nice?). Instead, it's time to call in the cavalry!

Reach out to our amazing support team. They're like form-transferring wizards, ready to work their magic and move that job to its new home. 

Step 3: Template Transformation

Once the job has landed safely in its new account, it's time for the grand finale:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Account Details
  2. Under Templates, select "Application Forms"

  3. Click "Add a Template"

  4. Name your template 
  5. Copy questions from the newly migrated job

Voila! Your shiny new Form Builder Template will appear in the list, ready for action.

Need a hand?

If you find yourself lost in the form-transferring wilderness, our support team is always here to guide you back to civilization. Don't hesitate to reach out – they're friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to assist.

Remember, the power to transfer forms is in your hands (with a little help from our support superheroes). Happy form building, and may your templates always find their way home!