Customize & Design

Customize the look and feel of your job applications.

Message Templates: Using Field Names
We're excited to share some insights on how to make your recruitment process smoother and more personalized with our Applicant Tracking System (ATS). A...
Intro Text: How to customize the intro text on your job listings page.
The Intro Text on your Careers page is the first thing applicants will see on your job listings page after the company name or logo. Customizing this text ...
Look & Feel: How to add a logo to your account
Adding a logo to your account is an easy way to give your job listings page the same look and feel as your company's website. Here's a sample job l...
Look & Feel: How to change the color scheme for your job listings page
We know that your company already has its own style and branding and we want your job listings page to fit right in. That's why we've given you the ...
Workflow: How/why to customize the applicant status fields and assign applicants a status
How to Customize the Applicant Status Fields 1. Click on the Menu Icon, then from the drop-down menu select Account Details.  2. Scroll do...
Workflows: Job Requisition & Offer Letter
If you'd like to create custom approval and/or notification workflows for New Job Requisitions or Offer Letters, search no more! Get started by navi...
Workflows: Custom approval and/or notification workflows for new job requisitions and offer letters
You can now create custom approval and/or notifications for new job requisitions and offer letters. Define workflows to meet your internal approval and noti...
SMS Messaging: How to Enable and Use SMS Messaging
SMS Messaging allows you to send messages, notifications and updates to applicants to their mobile phone via SMS messaging (or texting, if you're all ...
Job Description Templates
This feature enables users to create and store multiple job description templates that can be quickly selected when creating a job. Once a template is creat...
Lock Job Descriptions to Templates
Locking job descriptions to templates ensures consistency across all job postings by requiring the use of pre-approved templates. This feature is particular...